Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spooktacular October comes to an end

When every moment spent with you,
Is a moment I'll treasure.

Prom's over. What next?
Surprise : I choose studies over All American Reject.
Somebody kill me :\

Oh yes, SPM is next.
Come let me settle you,
And get this over with :)

Crap, I have this urge for shopping now.
How how how?
Like Superman said,
2 more weeks. 2 more weeks.

SPM, I'm all yours.
Take me away.
Then again, do you think they sell dummy books
Like " Scoring SPM without studying" or
" How to be smart in 10 days " ?
Haha. They would be the No.1 best selling book :)

It's a hint to those who wanna earn big bucks.
Haha. But don't tipu us la.
Anyways, I'm bull talking again.
Enough of those, time is very the precious.

Stressify & Nerdify mode - On

I miss you,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tick Tock Tick Tock

I don't know exactly what I was waiting for,
but every moment that I'm with you,
feels like everything I've been waiting for.

I've shared this in Facebook.
She's just so adorable, ain't she?
Wonderful creation of God :)
I hope that one day my children
Would love God as much as she does.
This would definitely put a smile on God's face.
She definitely made me happy.

FYI: Prom is tomorrow. Wheee


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yes, I is Dong Dong.

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you.
But I did, I do, and I will.

I shall be a good girl and study :)

Ooh, guess what?
I'm turning 17 next month.
Heeeee *Hint hint. Lol


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 25, 2009

Can I have this dance with you? ♥

It's so real, how I feel.
Ever since I let you in.

I love her.


Alright. As you guys noticed,
I haven't been blogging in awhile.
Well, my hands are tight.
Yes Evon is studying.
It's not that bad, I guess.
As long I can stay at home,
And not wear those uniforms :)

Updates updates.
I'll make it simple, short & easy lah.
Yes, laziness gets the best of me.

Well, my church had Family Day not long ago.
I can say it was quite the awesome.
A very successful event. Well planned by my parents.
And the rest of the team.
I seriously enjoyed myself eventho it was hot and all.
Yet again, another suprise.
Evon under hot sun? Haha.
Main point is, Ee yang's cookies were delifilimiciously yummay!

Anyways, I can't really remember what I've done throughout the past weeks.
Besides studying studying and more studying plus tuitions and seminars :\
My butt is officially flat. Massage anyone? Haha

Oh oh, one of the thing I remembered most
Is spending my lunch hours with beloved Jing Ling.
Practically every week.
Haha. Yes, we are lunch partners I noticed.
Which is totally awesome possum.
Well, I enjoyed every moment.

Anyways, I should totally go now.
Cause I have church tomorrow.
And I don't wanna go around looking like a zombie.
Kids don't like that :\
Neither do I.
So good night earthlings.

This is her. I love her too.

Not forgetting Superman :)


Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Locked in your love

Let's lay on our backs and gaze up at the stars.
Let's pretend for a moment that the only thing that matters is you and me.
I'm the girl who loves you inside and out, backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out,
I love you no other way.

Let me introduce to you,
One of the person I love the most - My brother.

Well, you guys must be wondering why I'm posting this.
Mainly, cause it's his birthday ♥

Thank you for driving me PRACTICALLY everywhere.
Well, I use the term practically,
cause you don't fetch me everywhere.
Hahahahaha. Okay okay, at least you fetch me most of the time.
Later you knock my head. Haha

Thank you for fetching me and a bunch of my friends to the airport,
To see my best friend leave.
I know you know it means a lot to me.
And sorry for letting you know last minute,
that you have to rush home from college and not get rest.
You're really that awesome.

Thank you for the sleepless night talks.
I know I can count on you when I have troubles.
When I feel frustrated or sad,
Or when I just feel like talking to someone.
And not to forget our Need For Speed moments :)

Thank you for being there for me during high school.
Wow, this was the moment I realize how much you did care about me.
I remember when I was Form 1.
And there was this Form 2 dude who touched me,
And totally freaked me out.
I told you and you were there to protect me.

Still, thank you for being there for me.
I remember during Form 3,
I was bullied by a teacher,
And I was crying alone in a corner near the stairs,
Cause I didn't wanna talk to anyone or let anyone see me like this.
Somehow you found me there and comforted me.

I remember hating you so badly.
I know you hated me too. Haha
But as we grow up,
We grew out of it.
Instead, I realize how important you are to me.

There's too much to say.
Even words can't describe them.
I love you so much.
And am very proud and happy to be your sister.



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ilyjjl, aaf.

I've smiled at so many people throughout my life,
But when i saw you,
My heart took over and smiled for the first time.

Best Friends Forever

Dear Superman,

I remembered peeking through the windows,
Or the side doors,
Just to get a glimpse of you.
That would put a smile on my face,
To remember how you'd last looked like.
For me to think of, throughout the week.

As cliche as it sounds,
I remembered my heart beats faster,
As I see you walk closer towards me.
Funny thing how I can still get butterflies in my stomach,
Even though we've been months.
I sound silly, don't I?

I remembered when our eyes first met & locked,
Millions of emotion were stirred in me.
Feeling of destiny and bliss.
And the thought of whether this is real.
I never could have been more sure,
Until you told me you love me.

But I have to admit that I'm a little scared,
For all of this is so new.
But yet you've amazed me,
For I've never felt so safe before,
As I do when I'm with you.
And that's the truth.

We've just talked hours ago,
But already am missing you.
If this is Science,
I could get a conclusion for this.
One thing in my life that I'm sure of,
Is that my heart is yours, definitely.

I'll call it love.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday, 11 October, 2009

Once in a year
There is a reason why two people
come together and stay together,
they both give each other something no one else can.
Did I give that something to you?

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY, Poh poh ♥
Well, there's nothing much to be said anymore.
As I've wrote most of the things in the card.
I know you love love love me :)
I super duper powderfully love you too.
Anyways, I'm glad you liked your present.
And enjoyed the dinner too.
Hope you had a blast at lunch with your mummy too.
Someone finally 17 larh. Can get license.
And drive your WPY car.
Awesome! Hahaha
Thank you for being one of the awesomest friend to me all these years!
I will always remember you,
No matter where I go.

Friends Best Forever

Haha. You get what I mean :)


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, 1 October, 2009

My darling honey bee

Somewhere between laughing for no reason,
Making fun of each other, and calling each other names,
I fell for you.

I love them

It's already October :)
Fast isin't it?
The next thing you know,
NS is over. Haha
Well, school as usual today.
We're supposed to have some college talk in the hall,
Got delayed and ended up being canceled -.-
We had so much free time,
Mei Ki & I started talking about courses to take,
Places to go and even careers to consider.
I think we scared ourselves as we go on.
But when I think of it,
Time do pass by really quickly.
And if we don't appreciate it,
We're just screwing ourselves up,
cause time ain't gonna wait for us.
Hahahaha. Well nicely said,
Don't waste your time like me :)
So as we got back to our classes after recess,
teachers were absent as usual.
Why bother?
We got back our maths paper.
And to my surprise,
I'm proud of my marks.
Well, they aren't the best.
But I see improvements.
That motivated me :)
I know I've been screwing up my study hours.
Been fooling around alot.
Skipped school and classes.
Had more dramas than ever.
But I'll work on it, I promise.
I don't wanna let God, my parents,
family, friends & Superman down.

Well, I think that 2009 has been my best year so far.
Filled with tears, breakdowns, excitement, joy & fun!
New friends, family and relationship in my life.
Amazing wonders, and I know it's all planned by God.
I'm so blessed :)

P/s Study study study. If you see me online, nudge me & be blessed. Haha
P/s p/s Homework from Superman - NOT DONE! Ahhhhhh. I haven't take picture of it yet. Thats why. Sorry, will do it asap.
I love you
