Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wow :D

I really wanna thank God for my awesomest parents. Not only that my parents weren't angry at me when I told them I lost my phone, they were practically laughing at me. Lol. Wasn't what I've expected la. Maybe some disappointment, some arguing, some crying. But no. It was a happy scene. I'll just go with the flow :P

I went for this youth training thingy. I thought because of my lost phone that I wouldn't be as happy as I could. I thought I would be sad and sober all over it. But I was wrong. It was fun. I had fun. BUMBLE BEE! :D Went to poh's house after that for sleepover! Talk talk talk. And I dont know how we went into the topic about pregnancy. Haha. But it was really nice talking to her :) Muackz! Love you loads loads loads. Thanks for giving me the toothbrush which I totally forgotten to bring, for sharing your room with me, for lending your bathroom for this stinky friend of yours. Haha. Really love you loads!

Which is today. Is another awesome day in training! Really enjoyed myself. I think this training really pushed us to our limits. To do things we never expected us doing. Like talking to a "friend" you've yet to know. This really pushed my limits. And one thing that really hit me was this verse. Matthew 21:22 - "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Well yeah, partly it is about my phone. That I really really really really really really want a new phone! But when I look it in a different angle, it is not all about my phone. It is more than that. That my life, relationship with family, friends and loved one could be prayed for in whatever ways too and not only put my phone first cause there are things in this world much more important than getting a new phone for myself.

Have you ever wonder how many times in a day would you say the word I?
Do you see how selfish we are?
I'm not saying you.
Or trying to make you feel bad and admit it.
Its up to you.
But I am admitting it.
I'm a selfish fool myself.
In prayers, would you usually pray for others before yourself?
Honestly, no.
We would usually pray for the santification of OUR food.
For OUR safe journey back home.
Well, God told us that we should always love your neighbours as yourself.
And I think we all including me,
especially me should start implying it into my daily lifestyle :)

And if you look it in another different angle, I can see that maybe God has a purpose for this to happened to me. That my SPM is coming closer. And I seems to be losing my focus. Look at the bright side, I know I'm gonna get a new phone after SPM. I have faith that God will provide me with whatever needs that I need because HE loves me :)

So, I wont get my official phone till after SPM. I'm fine with that. I would rather use the money and buy meaningful things and bless the people around me that I love. Or even friends that I have yet to know. Its nice to see other people happy, dont you think so? :D

Anyways, I'm super super duper happy for all the friends who've cared about me. I'm truly touched. Muackz! And OMG. Isaac & Darren are gonna make a blog! Its so awesome right? I'm helping you guys promote your blogs here ok? Better appreciate :P You guys better better update your blogs everytime! And it better be the awesomest blog ever, ok? :P And and and and and and and. Guess what? Isaac OFFICIALLY passed his undang exam. Woohoo. After failing how many times? Hahaha. Chill :D You've made it through anyways. You should be proud of yourself. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder and scream GOOD JOB! Hahaha xD Now your next mission is to pass your driving one, k? I dont think thats a problem for you, right? Hopefully. Lol. Faster pass than you can beat Grace :P

I'm so filled with this joy that is so irreplacable even my sadness towards my lost phone cannot take it away. And BUMBLE BEE WON! Woohoo :D

I'm officially happy again :)

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