Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hey people!
Subang Rally 09 was just plain awesome lah :)
I'm really glad I surrendered my all to God before going on stage.
Because my fears were relieved.
And I gave my all.

Take It All was a last minute song.
But thank God, it went well.
And well, Amazing Grace was terrifying for me.
Especially when all everyone can listen to is your voice O.O
But yeah, it was all good!

I super love my crew shirt, btw :D
And I super love love love the friends I'd made throughout this event.
They're really amazing people of God.
And they really inspires me alot.
Most of them are even younger than me!
Something must be done, Evon.
Before I'm too old. Lol

The main point is;
Jezreel, the guy who made this come true. Worship leader :)
Esther, the awesome keyboardist & worship coordinator
Chan Tong, the vocalist who leads "Mighty to Save"
Eileen, the vocalist who sings harmony
Eilene, the super young vocalist
Mich, the another samsung handphone user acoustic guitarist
Ian, the oh-so-chunted electric guitarist
Ben, the bassist who played for session 1 & 2
Jade, the super gentle and sweet pianist
Ting, the Captian Spock drummer
And ME!

Thank you guys,
for this memorable 3 months.
Eventhough it was more work and no play.
I still enjoyed every second of it.
Come, Session 2!
Lets have an outing :)

Rawr :\


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