Life choices
All our midnight talks,
Are becoming a habit to me.
1. My blog format is slowly turning into point forms, if you realize.
Can't blame me. It's so much easier and neater :)
2. Stupid instructor canceled my amali class last minute.
I'm so pissed at him. I shall bite his head off.
Rip his body into pieces and feed them to the cavemen hoho
3. Omg bff totally slept his way in. Like 4578352545 wake up calls by me.
And still asleep .__. I wonder what he's dreaming of. Cough cough
4. Had dinner with boyfriend the other day at some tea rice shop.
It was yummy and everyone there was old. Hahaha
5. Witnessed an accident on that same day with boyfriend. Scary :\
Pray that the little boy is alright tho.
6. Oh and I was joking about ripping up my instructor's body
Into pieces in point 2 okaaayh. Just so you know haha
7. Realized I spent alot of time with boyfriend this month. Happpiiee :)
8. Random but like I should have a post about,
How many movies we'd watched together from Day 1 haha.
And I consider us as regular costumers for the cinema.
9. Can't wait for DFC 3rd Anniversary Celebration tomorrow.
Imagining all the drummers and bassist gathering together hoho.
10. Played Ps2 with boyfriend at my house yesterday.
He gives no mercy to a girl. Bite you!
And I disappointed my brother haha. What do you expect :)
11. I am fun-sized.
12. Family making me emo nao. Uggh