Thursday, March 4, 2010


Sow in tears,
Reap in joy.

( Click to enlarge )

1. Okaaaay. I'm kinda sleeeepy and tired and cranky and stoning.
So I shall blog real quick and head off to bed :)

2. God, please let me not have PMS. Thank you, Amen.

3. Bible school just started this week. Awesome possum
Am really glad I'm here. In just a week, I've learn so much yay.
I actually feel more knowledgeable already *Inserts satisfied face*

4. Finish 1 out of 10 modules which I'm suppose to do in 10 weeks.
9 more to go haha.

5. Made super awesome dossum qossum possum friends at bible school.
Let the bonding begin :) And people thinks that my dad's cool haha.

6. Truth is, I miss my Bffs too. WHERE ARE YOU GUYZZZZZ? :\
Why don't you guys have blogs. Or for those who have update?
Raaawr chew you guys into pieces.

7. SPM results in a week or two. Worried - No. Well, I shouldn't be.

8. Oh, speaking of SPM. I think I did quite well for my first bible test yay.
No re-sits needed :)

9. Currently missing my silly boyfriend.

10. According to Jess, I'm an A-S-S. Haha *Inside joke*

Shall sleep nao

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