My 2010 To Remember
Is the diary we all carry about with us.
When I had this deal with James to write down about our 2010, I was thinking to myself " Wow, this is gonna be one heck of an essay." But we agreed to it, because this year had been a tremendous ride to me and I can say that even the people around me would say so. Here goes nothing :)
It all begins with everyone after SPM. If you didn't know, it's usually a trend for all that our lives begin after we're 17. And like every ordinary person, I went and took my license and hope that I could get it as soon as possible. As days goes by, those who went back for Form 6, went back for Form 6 and those who chose their courses, went to respective colleges as well. Then, I look at myself being clueless of what I want to do with my future. Besides the fact that her parents are totally praying and hoping that one day she would take up Accountancy. I always ask myself, do I really look like an accountant to you? Or I do not want to take up that course because of the voices around me telling me not to? It was then I told God, " God, You know what's best for me. Use my life to the fullest extend that even I myself can never imagine. I give it all to you. "
So from there, my life journey with this amazing God started.
I found out that I was selected for National Service months ago in school. You could see the grief and agony all written on my face. January passed with a blink of an eye, then February. But there wasn't a single news or letter about my camp site. A few people came upon me during these stoned moments, asking me to attend bible college while waiting for God's call upon what to do but with reluctantly decline all of it. But as the days goes by, I couldn't sit still at home any longer so I urge my dad and myself to finally join the bible college in March. At first, I could not believe what I have gotten myself into. I mean seriously, of all things. Bible college? There were discouragement here and there telling me that it's gonna be all about the bible and that it will bore the crap out of you. But gosh, are you wrong. God opened my heart to see how miraculous He could be. Being in church every Sunday for the past 8 years did not make me understand or know him any much more than I did in bible college. So much closer to God.
The people I met there, truly inspired me to glorify God in ways I could never imagine.
In the middle of my days in bible college, I know I have to do something with this passion of God in me before it burns out. That's when I decided to dedicated my year to serve my church in any ways that I could. I started coming in on random days just to see what I could help out on, and Jing Ling grabbed a hold on me. We were going to camps for children ministry and improving on it together. I can say, even with that I already felt so blessed. To be able to work and learn alongside with her. And from there I received my letter from the government that I were to pack up and leave to Ipoh in 2 weeks. While realizing that I have bible school to attend, I know I already have to defer. Whether to defer it till I'm old or do it on the following batch was a choice. Temptation caught unto me, but I know what was the right thing to do.
During preparation for my graduation night from bible college, some of my friends and I were asked to do a dance. And a week before the night itself, I fell from the stairs so badly that I could not feel my toes. I don't remember how it'd happen but for those who saw it, they said I glided like a footballer who just scored a goal. The next thing I know, Grace was there next to me crying cause of my pain and people were praying for my healing. I was so touched by everyone, I felt like God's little princess that day despite the fall. But you know what? God is the one who heals. I recovered days later and danced for my graduation night as though nothing has happened that day. And there, bible college ended in May.
To tell you the truth, I miss everyone back there. But I go on with a great big smile on my face, knowing that this is one chapter of my life and each of us from different areas of Malaysia are doing something big for God.
May 12th - Happy 1 Year Anniversary
From where Tung Ling Bible College had left me with, National Service was next on. I had to give up serving my church for 3 months to be away in Kuala Kangsar. I never knew that the day would come when I'd actually need to leave home for more than 4 days 3 nights. Knowing that there won't be any ways to contact my family, boyfriend or friends was the most dreadful of all. I could still remember the look on my boyfriend's face the night before I'd to leave. Knowing that I'd get my phone at 12pm sharp, you'd be there waiting to text me. For 3 months, commitment was the one that kept us together and I love you for that.

God truly guided and protected me along the way in National Service. He gave me peace when I found out that I was the only Christian and english speaking person there. He gave me joy to go through my days there wearing horribly ugly long sleeved shirts under the sun and waking up 5am in the morning to march. He gave me understanding to people of different cultures and language. He gave me friends that would willingly follow me to church just because I was alone. And from there, I shared about Jesus. There was a semester break in the middle and right when I arrived back in camp site, I fell into the drain and found my friends carrying me to the clinic. My toe nail turned instant black and I was forced to pluck it out. It was horrifying knowing that blood was coming right out of my skin. That wasn't all. It was Malam Terakhir with all my friends there and ended up being stung by something unknown and got me scratching myself all over. It was so bad, I couldn't breathe but I remember calling unto God in my head silently that nothing shall come against me even on my last day here. And it all went away the next day. Well, I know that the devil doesn't want us to remember any good from these experience that we go through, but even though there are minor injuries here and there, I will always remember that He will protect me no matter where I go. My God is so big!
After returning from Ipoh, I started volunteering myself back in church again. Oh, what pleasure to be back! Knowing that I could give even more to the church and this time coming together with James. James, James, James, you have taught me so much this half of the year. Even though you can't see it, but giving was what you live up to. I guess you got it from Ps.Hock as well as Jing Ling haha. And I really look up to you all. Because brought up from young, I was always very calculative especially on money. But to see all of you always blessing others around you, made me want to do the same as well. And wow ever since then, no matter how much I seemed to spend, I did not actually face any financial problems even with the needs of shopping.
Orang Asli Mission Trip, Overnight Prayers, Change Your World Community Work, Kanching Waterfall Outing and the 1Malaysia Presentation was one of my cherished moments with the youths this year. Knowing that no matter how busy we all are in life, still being able to serve our God by serving others and praying together as one would really please Him.
Later on when I first found out that I was to chair an event - Children Camp 2010, I was still unsure whether I could take up this role for God. I know my willingness could get me far, but of my talents,skills and capacity. I don't have much confidence on myself. But it was then, I realize how much I must rely on God. How much our bare hands can do and only God could fulfill our every needs. How much I need to stay connected and intimate with Him. It wasn't only a change to the kids in that camp but a real Change 180 to find that God was so real to me that moment. I know I cannot do everything on my own.
And to help James out with Youth Camp 2010, I know I want to do this for God and not myself. Eventhough it was real tiring with all the late comers, budgeting and etc, the committees and I knew that God was with us all the while. I can say, it wasn't as easy because some of the committees have their respective works. But each and everyone one of us still gave our all. And it turns out that camp was awesome. It was the presence of God that made all these possible.
" It’s time for your story- James
It’s time to stand up and stand out - E Von
It’s time to decide - Nevina
Its time to change - CXY
It’s time to stand for who we believe in - Krsytal
Its TIME to rise and start doing our duty that had Been Given by HIM - Josh "
With Youth Camp, I officially end my year as 1 chapter of my life that I would never forget. A memory that is worth keeping. An experience that is worth everything. This year, God has trained me to be stronger than I could imagine myself to be, spiritually, physically and mentally. All glory to our great big God <3
I will never forget what You've done in my life throughout this year, 2010.