Monday, December 10, 2012

Josh & Evon #1

Ok. So after reading Timothy Tiah's blog about all sorts of things he say and do with his wife, Audrey, well I find it really cute and hilarious. Like seriously, there were times when I read those post and couldn't stop laughing. And then, I showed them to the boyfriend through NuffnangX and he was laughing as well especially on em fart jokes. Just so you know, he don't usually laugh or get the jokes that I do. So for him to laugh at the things I read, well that's awesome haha. So we both came in a conclusion to follow them and start writing down those moments we had laughing together, saying stupid things together and annoying each other as well.

Before we start off, our title is called "Josh &Evon" well........ cause that's our name. We usually have a nick name for each other. We call each other Bi and Bu but I guess it's a little mushy to write it down constantly in a blog haha. Just so you know, he wanted to title this as "Ham sap n more ham sap" so you better thank me on this one. And no, I am not the more ham sap one. Anyways, so "Josh & Evon" it shall be and here's a few pictures of us :)

 Both of us on our trip to Malacca earlier this year.

The boyfriend with our luggages during our trip to Korea. He's a real joker haha

This is me, of course. Just last week, after I had my hair cut. Nice not? Let me put one nice picture of myself la hahahaha. K la, show you one stupid picture of me since I'm so nice.

Yes, I can have stupid moments too especially when I'm with him.


So Josh was looking for a new phone recently. He kind of broke his current phone's screen cause he's a big man lol. Ok, he dropped it off the tar road flat on it's face when we were heading for a drink at the mamak stall. Most expensive supper, I suppose. So we were doing our research on phones and found this amazing phone that's water and dust proof. It could even be run over by a car and still work. We thought it was very suitable for him cause he's a big and rough man. So this conversation happened in the car while we were discussing randomly. And just so you know, Josh is not a very tech-savvy person haha.

Me: Omg, I really don't understand how people know where to put what and what to put where to make these phones work. Like how you know if you put this thing here and the screen would look like this???

Josh: Well, I don't know.

Me: Hmmmmmm *stares at my phone and still be amazed by it*

Josh: Do you know where all these started from? *sounding all pro*

Me: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I guess Bill Gates started it off with all these tech la. He so geng........ Wait, I think he invented Microsoft only la right errrrrr *laughs*

Josh: *laughs* Wth. You know who anot?

Me: Dunno dunno *thinks even harder but gave up*

Josh: *pauses* Well, the man who started the fire.

And I tell you if there were a drummer and his drum set around, I will make him play this.


Ok, so Josh and I tend to be very lame when we're together. Ba-Dum-Tsssssh, bye :)


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