Sunday, May 31, 2009

Teehee :)

I'm like supeeeeeeeeeeeer bored right now.
My parents dump me at home.
And head off to a party. Karaoke. Super maju, right? Haha
Then my brother was working. So yeah.
Home alone again.
Like omg. Since when my parents are more happening than me?
Booo. Evon, you suck :\
But am really really happy.
Cause people actually do read my blog. Woohoo.
My blog's like really boring.
But thank you awesome people!
You guys just made my day.

Guess what was I doing at home alone?
I practically lie on my sofa.
Watching spongebob.
Gosh. Super lifeless.
Evon, wake up and get a life!
Awww. Darren's bloggie cheered me up. Thanks :)
Well, I wanted to show you guys his blog site to check it out.
But yeah. He keeps changing and changing and changing and changing
his site name. So yeah.
Until he decides the official one, I wont tell you just yet. Haha
Darren! We need to camwhore :P
I'm running out of super awesome pictures. Lol

And Isaacs blog is this :)
Be supportive and go check it out.
He just started. So yeah.
Give him time.
He'll fill our lives with his stories :D
Fun fun fun!

Anyways, my hands are freezing cold.
I can't take it anymore.
Its so hard to type.
I guess this is it for now, awesome people :)


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wow :D

I really wanna thank God for my awesomest parents. Not only that my parents weren't angry at me when I told them I lost my phone, they were practically laughing at me. Lol. Wasn't what I've expected la. Maybe some disappointment, some arguing, some crying. But no. It was a happy scene. I'll just go with the flow :P

I went for this youth training thingy. I thought because of my lost phone that I wouldn't be as happy as I could. I thought I would be sad and sober all over it. But I was wrong. It was fun. I had fun. BUMBLE BEE! :D Went to poh's house after that for sleepover! Talk talk talk. And I dont know how we went into the topic about pregnancy. Haha. But it was really nice talking to her :) Muackz! Love you loads loads loads. Thanks for giving me the toothbrush which I totally forgotten to bring, for sharing your room with me, for lending your bathroom for this stinky friend of yours. Haha. Really love you loads!

Which is today. Is another awesome day in training! Really enjoyed myself. I think this training really pushed us to our limits. To do things we never expected us doing. Like talking to a "friend" you've yet to know. This really pushed my limits. And one thing that really hit me was this verse. Matthew 21:22 - "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Well yeah, partly it is about my phone. That I really really really really really really want a new phone! But when I look it in a different angle, it is not all about my phone. It is more than that. That my life, relationship with family, friends and loved one could be prayed for in whatever ways too and not only put my phone first cause there are things in this world much more important than getting a new phone for myself.

Have you ever wonder how many times in a day would you say the word I?
Do you see how selfish we are?
I'm not saying you.
Or trying to make you feel bad and admit it.
Its up to you.
But I am admitting it.
I'm a selfish fool myself.
In prayers, would you usually pray for others before yourself?
Honestly, no.
We would usually pray for the santification of OUR food.
For OUR safe journey back home.
Well, God told us that we should always love your neighbours as yourself.
And I think we all including me,
especially me should start implying it into my daily lifestyle :)

And if you look it in another different angle, I can see that maybe God has a purpose for this to happened to me. That my SPM is coming closer. And I seems to be losing my focus. Look at the bright side, I know I'm gonna get a new phone after SPM. I have faith that God will provide me with whatever needs that I need because HE loves me :)

So, I wont get my official phone till after SPM. I'm fine with that. I would rather use the money and buy meaningful things and bless the people around me that I love. Or even friends that I have yet to know. Its nice to see other people happy, dont you think so? :D

Anyways, I'm super super duper happy for all the friends who've cared about me. I'm truly touched. Muackz! And OMG. Isaac & Darren are gonna make a blog! Its so awesome right? I'm helping you guys promote your blogs here ok? Better appreciate :P You guys better better update your blogs everytime! And it better be the awesomest blog ever, ok? :P And and and and and and and. Guess what? Isaac OFFICIALLY passed his undang exam. Woohoo. After failing how many times? Hahaha. Chill :D You've made it through anyways. You should be proud of yourself. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder and scream GOOD JOB! Hahaha xD Now your next mission is to pass your driving one, k? I dont think thats a problem for you, right? Hopefully. Lol. Faster pass than you can beat Grace :P

I'm so filled with this joy that is so irreplacable even my sadness towards my lost phone cannot take it away. And BUMBLE BEE WON! Woohoo :D

I'm officially happy again :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Evon freaks ; " Fish nuggets, I just lost my dang phone again!"

Boohoo :\

This world is full of immorality and injustice!
The people of this world.
I'm so speechless.
I feel like cursing again :(
But nooooooo
I wont!

My baby tiger didnt even last for a year. Sob
Who so mean would steal it away from me?
Whatever lah.
I have no rights to judge anyone.
For I am a sinful human too.

Anyways, the past is the past.
I can't be sober all over it.
My baby tiger wont come back to me anymore.
I'll just have to cheer myself up.
Okay :)

I'm lying. Haha

Nono. I think I'm confused with my emotions.

Happy or sad?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Exams are over, holiday has come.
So lets celebrate, and have some fun!
I can't believe its finally over :D
It seems like forever!

Lets go out, people! Heh.

I have a toothache!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It hurts so badly. Rawr :(
I need to go to the dentist.
Strawberry flavored toothpaste :D

Life is so full of fun and excitement!
Looking forward :)


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Omg Omg

Hold on.
Let me introduce to you.
This is Shawn :)

Okay. Back to the point.
He's representing M'sia to go Germany
for this Beatbox Battle World Championship!!
AWESOME right? :D

There :DD
He'll be in the advancement class. Coooool
Anyways, yeah. We will be praying for you! :)
And it is told that we could watch the last day of the event LIVE
on this website
Check it out :D

This is it for now.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My hand!! :\

I went to mamak with Zoe and Grace yesterday.
Thanks to some stupid ants. My hand's totally swollen now. Gahh.
Its itchy and pain!

Anyways, no more complaints :)

Went S.Piramid with Ting. Thanks for temaning me.
And for providing me transport here and there.
And for the drinks and cookies. Hahaha :D
Then we went for City Harvest KL church.
Nice place. Nice people. Nice music. Nice preacher. Nice technology :)
Awesome day out!

Thats about it? Hmmm.. Surprisingly not crappy today. Haha
I'll just go find something else to do then.

Toodles :)

Evon is officially gone crazily bored.
Please bear with her stupid surveys :)
Its not really important.
So you can dont read them if you err.. dont like em! :D

1. Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
Err.. Nope. I dont think so.

2. When you're walking, do you stop to drink?
Yeah. Haha. Can't multitask :P

3. Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
YES! Hahaha :DD

4. Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
Yeah :)

5. Ever snuck out of your house?
Nope. Good girl. Lol :P

6. Kill or be killed?
None, please :)

7. Break someone's heart or have your heart broken?
Prefer my own heart broken.

8. What did you do just now?
Worship practice :)

9. Do you like someone right this second?
Yeah, loads loads loads!

10. Would you ever get a tattoo?
I want to :P

11. What was the last thing you ate?
Taufu :DD

12. Are you a morning person or a night person?
NIGHT! But I need sleep. Haha

13. Do you snore?
No one complained yet. So guess not!

14. What would you do if you opened up your front door and there's a dead body?
OMG. Screams like nobodies business!!

15. Do you like to spend time with people?
Yes! Love everyone :)

16. Are you hungry?

17. Are you a forgiving person?
Can say so. But that doesnt mean I wont get angry people :D

18. Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
Sms? :)

19. Do you want a relationship right now?
Ahem ahem.

20. What are you about to do?
Reply my sms? :)

21. Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?
Yeah. My whole family. It was a bad bad dream :\

22. If you could be a superhero, what would you want to do?
Everything I can to make this world a better place to live :)

23. Three feelings at the moment?
Missing someone badly :) Crazy and pretty awesome!

24. Done anything you regret so far in life?
Doesnt everybody? :D

25. Are you listening to anything?
Mannequin - Katy Perry!

26. Where are you right now?
In the living room. Blogging :)

27. What are you scared of?
Practically everything. But what the heck!

28. Last movie you watched?
I love you, man. Haha

29. Last song you sang out loud?
Amazing Grace :)

30. Are you thinking of someone right now?
Yeah :P

31. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
My daddy!!

32. Have you changed much this year?
Yeah. Enjoying life much more :)

33. Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Some church in USJ 1.

34. Has anyone ever said "you looked like a celebrity"?
Nah. I look original :P Hahaha

35. Do you speak any other language?
Bahasa Melayu, Chinese, Cantonese, A lil of hokkien :)

36. Do you dress for style or comfort?
Both :D

37. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
I've never even been to Mexico. Why Mexico? Lol.

38. What's the craziest thing you've done?
Being me. Cause I am CRAZY :DD

39. Favourite colors?
I love all colours!

40. What is your favourite Nickelback song?
Far away. Legend song :)

41. What are you looking forward for this summer?
Finishing SPM!!!!!!!!! Woohoo.

42. Last time you smiled?
I just did. Lol!

43. If you could choose any fate, what would you choose?
I wouldn't wanna choose it. Cause it wont be a surprise anymore!

44. If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?
I already have. What more could I ask for? :)


Saturday, May 23, 2009

This is so random :)

1. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Well, it would be better if he dont la.

2. How about drinking?
Drink but dont get drunk :)

3. Do you like someone you can't have?
Err.. No? :P

4. If someone liked you right now, would you want him to tell you?
I dont think so.

5. Whats your favourite sport?
I dont really play sport. Maybe swimming and FUTSAL! :D

6. Its saturday night, you're home alone. What do you do?
Hmm.. Depends. See if my friends wanna chill?
Or I'll just stay at home and blog? :P

7. Do you like roller coasters?
I have issues with heights. But what the heck!
LOVE LOVE LOVE roller coasters :D

8. When is the right time to have a gf/bf?
Hahaha. I would have to say after SPM.

9. If you could date any celebrity, wh would he/she be?
Aaron Johnson? Alex Pettyfer? ALOT lah :P

10. What are you doing this weekend?
Friday, I went City Harvest KL with Ting Ting.
Saturday, I was at church the whole entire day. Went dinner with Superman :)
Sunday which is tomorrow, CHURCH! :D Then worship practice with session 2! Maybe shopping with parents after that :)

11. What is your favourite restaurant?
Hmm.. As long they serve good food? Haha

12. Have you ever hugged someone?
DUH! Omg.. You dont know me. I super duper love hugs la :) Free hugs people.

13. Ever kissed someone you're not attracted to?
Nope. I'm blur. But not stupid :P

14. Do you like anyone right now?
Yeah, alot :)

15. What is the first thing you'd notice about the opposite sex?
Weird but I have to admit, legs. Skinny legs :P
Lol.. But hair always comes first, I guess.

16. Which do you prefer? Beach or mountains?
Hmm.. Both :) As long its quiet, peaceful and has a nice scenery.

17. Which kinda phone you have?
W610i. And I'm loving it :)

18. Computer or laptop?
Computer is definitely faster but laptop is portable. Hmmm? Can I have both? :P

19. Jeans or sweater?
Jeans la. M'sia is already hot enough.You do not need sweaters!!

20. Which year(s) has/have been the best so far?

21. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
Scandalously 17! Woohoo. Driving license :P

22. What should you be doing right now?
SLEEP! Eyebags. Gahhh.

23. What is your favourite tv show?
Spongebob Squarepants! :)

24. Whats been your last purchase?
Err.. 100plus from mamak! Haha

25. Are you attracted to girls/guys that smoke?
Sorry. Thats a turn off for me.

26. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd?
Yeah! Someone pulled my chair when I was about to sit.
Ouch!! I cried -.-

27. What do you do when you're at home?
Stupid surveys like this? Haha.. FB too :P

28. What is your favourite subject?
Subject? What's a subject? xD Haha

29. Whats the best thing that's ever happened to you?
When I first knew God :)

30. What are you gonna do after this?
Hmm.. Close this tab. Sign off Msn. Off the com. Go upstairs. SLEEP! :D

Anyways, Evon needs her beauty sleep now.
Night night.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Evon screams ; "I have a new baby cousin!!" :DD
And its a BOY!
I wonder what's his name :) Heee.

Anyways, 4 more days till exam's out! Woohoo.
I know it's annoying.
But I can't wait! :D
And I'm going out tomorrow! Weee.
Lets have fun, poeple! :)

Evon Deep Sea Thought of The Day:
"HE made me lost, just so I could find him. Amazing :)"

Stay close, don't go.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey people :)

Well, let me complain about my school first.
Then only I'll talk crap. Haha
How can you have no electricity in a weather like this?
And we were having our exams!
Accounts was crazy enough.
Tambah no electricity?
Just by thinking about it makes me sweat.

Alright. 5 more days till exams are over!
There's so many things to do this coming holiday!
I can't wait.

My to do list before I forget:
1. Go Time square with Mei ki and the rest.
2. Futsal with Session 2 gang :DD
3. Movies day out with Session 2 gang again!
4. Visit the orphanage with Session 2 gang!
5. A girls day in with Mei ki and the rest at my house :)
6. Go present hunting with Mei ki for someone! *secret* :P
7. CHURCH CAMP!!!!! Weee.
8. Kee wei, wanna ajak me out? Heh.
9. Shawn!! When la go out? Hahaha.
Good luck for your upcoming competition btw :)
10. Superman, any plans? :D

11. Last but not least, S-T-U-D-Y. Boohoo :\

Did I forget anything? Hmmm..
I dont think so.
see what Superman told me today :D

Relationships are like a water balloon.
Its nice to see,
And its nice to hold.
But if u hold it too tightly,
It might just burst.
This is how relationships end.

This doesn't only apply in relationships,
But friendships too.
If u hold it too tightly,
It could burst too.
But it doesn't end it that way.
Friends could turn into enemies instead.
There are things u should learn to get used to from now.
Let go and not hold so tightly anymore.

From : Superman

From the second you decided to let go,
Let go.
From the second you decided to leave,
Don't come back.
From the second you decided not to care,
Go ahead.
From the second you decided not to love,
I'll move one too.

My Last Goodbyes.

Do I sound emo? Lol. Well, I'm not.
There's just things you have to be serious about.
Anyways, have fun with life.
It's too bad if you're wasting your time.
You don't get to be 17 forever.
Well, main point.

Not forgetting loving God too :)


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hey :)

OMG. Subang rally badges are out!!
And they are awesome :DD
I bought four,
and plan to get more!
It rhymes. Heh

Anyways, the fliers are out too!!
Even more awesomer :P

Check it out :)

Nice right right right? :D
Can't wait!!

For now, I just hope exams are over.
Then the holidays will come.
So many things to do,
so little time!

Gahh. I have tuition now :\
Lazy lar. I just got home from school!

Will update LIFE soon.

Superman ah superman! xD


Friday, May 15, 2009

Its a friday!

You know what that means?
The day I've been longing. Cheh. Lol

I'm currently listening to these songs
on my iTunes & Walkman:

Taylor Swift
1. Fearless
2. White horse
3. Fifteen
4. You belong with me
5. The way I loved you
6. Forever & always
7. You're not sorry
8. Hey Stephen
9. Love story
10. Breathe

Sick puppies
11. My world
12. All the same
13. Too many words
14. Anywhere but here
15. What are you looking for

Sean Kingston
16. Fire burning

Shayne Ward
17. Until you
18. Breathless
19. No promises

20. Saved the day
21. All I want is you

22. To the ends of the earth
23. Break Free
24. I believe
25. The time has come

True worshipers
26. YESUS!
*This is really nice, I suggest to go listen :)*

Omg. So many songs. Haha
I'm just bored.

My latest entertainment :DD

Spongebob Deep Sea Thought Of The Day:
"Planting a walkie-talkie in your head
won't help you pass your test! :D"


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Love unfailing
Overtaking my heart
You take me in
Finding peace again
Fear is lost in all you are

And I would give the world to tell your story
'Cause I know that you've called me
I know that you've called me
I've lost myself for good within your promise
And I won't hide it
I won't hide it

Jesus, I believe in You
And I would go, to the ends of the earth
To the ends of the earth
For you alone are the son of God
And all the world will see
That You are God
You are God

I'm going all out for you, Jesus!
To the ends of the earth :)

All these while, I've been searching.
Searching for something.
That's right in front of me.
Your love.
Has always been there for me.

In the darkest of my days,
I've cried out Your Name.
You'd never pondered.

In the brightest of my nights,
I've shouted out Your Praise.
You'd always answered.

When all the things around me have fallen to the ground,
I'm always thankful for the love in You I've found.

Eventho life has been good to me now,
I know that I still want you more and more each day.
I would remember the days I'd suffered.
The days I'd just wanna end my life.
That you were there for me.

You told me to forgive.
You told me to forget.

It was hard.
I wondered.
But now I'm living a life happier than before.
Nothing else will ever make me feel the way Jesus did.


I ♥ you, Jesus.

Nescafe for mummy.

Jack & Jill potato chips
Mashed potato
And Cincau for my lunch :D

More exams for me. Boohoo :\
Have to bury myself in books every night. Gosh
10 more days!
Counting the days till exam is over.


Sunday, May 10, 2009


Okay, I know I'm not suppose to blog but study. Haha
Yes, Joshua. I know xD

I wanna show you all my one true !!
Okay lah. Abit exaggerated. Haha
But seriously its love at first sight la :D

Its my Slim Aluminum 13-Inch MacBook!!!!!!!!

It is super awesome :D
Love it love it love it!

Anyways, daddy said I might get it! Weee.
But I suggested to save up half the amount to pay.
So guilty asking my daddy to pay all.
But its Rm4.8k for my baby! Gosh.
So you know how much I'm suppose to save lah! Haha
Daddy & mummy said it's impossible for me to save that much.
But I'll prove them wrong! Lol :P

Can't wait to get my hands on it!!

Anyways, I played Nintendo Wii with my family today :D
It was super fun. Haha
But some games was kinda hard.
We were laughing so loud when my daddy played. Hahaha
He looked so silly. Lol
And he arr.. Cannot lose wan. Haha.
But I still super love you, daddy :)
Thank you for accompanying me and paying for my shopping wonders today!
Love you loads!!

Besides that,
I wanna wish all mothers
Especially my mummy :)

Mummy, you've done a great job taking care of all of us.
And I'm really happy that you're my mummy.
Cause you're funny.
Ham sap. Lol

There's so many things about you that is indescribable.
But most of all, I wanna let you know that
I love you :)
And I'm sorry for all the harsh words I've ever said to you.
For the moments I've made you cry.
I didn't mean it.
I'm sorry.

You're really a blessing to this family of mine.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hunting for my amazing laptop :)

Isaac - Intel
Mei Ki & Kee Wei - Dell
Ting - Sony pink! * What I wanted!*

Mana satu?

I'll just ask God for the best :D Haha

Anyways, I'm actually blogging to promote

SUBANG RALLY 2009!! Woohoo :D


Theme : P.U.S.H
Venue : Sunway College, Multipurpose Hall
Date : July 11th, 2009
Time : Sessions - 8.30am to 5.00pm
Concert - 7.30pm onwards ( Free admission )

Registration is officially open!
Its only Rm30 for both the conference and rally t-shirt!
And Rm12 for the conference only.
T-shirt comes in XS, S,M,L,XL. If I'm not mistaken :)
Check it out.


So what are you waiting for?
You can even sign up in the forms online now.
Print it out.
Then pass it up to your school CF representative.
The links are :

People who are not in secondary school anymore
are definitely more than welcome to join us too!

All the way for Jesus! Weee.

Its gonna be a blast, people!
Don't ever miss out


Guess what?

I'm studying Accounts!
Haha. Proud much? Cause exam is in a week!!!


Hahaha. I wont be blogging much until my exams are over. So yeah!
My blog will be dead till then. Haha

Toodles :)


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hey people of the world :D

Alright. First of all, I really need to save up money for my new pink laptop!
There goes my money $$$

No more shopping.
No more going out.
No more lepaking.
No more wasting money on nice food. Lol
No more spending! :(

Oh well. For the sake of my new pink laptop. Anything is possible :P Haha.

Anyways, I've been dozing off in class, tuition or practically everywhere. I'm a pig! Gosh. I guess I really need my 8 hour sleep. Hahaha. But I have so many things to do. I bet you guys are wondering: "And yet this girl have so much time blogging, right" Hahaha. Well, it's kinda addictive :P

I remember Grace used to bug me to have a blog or something like that. And now that I keep blogging, she's bugging me to stop! Hahaha. Sounds funny la. And OMG. Grace, you finally found your way to the course you've always wanted - Speech Pathology! Woohoo :D I guess you posted it up already but yeah. I'm so happy for you!!!

Anyways, worship session 2 rocks la! We're so awesome. The people are great. The music is amazing. And we're having a fantastic time, aren't we? :D I really wanna thank God for the wonderful friends I've made there. Love you guys loads.

Btw, worship camp was great too! Made some new friends like Joshua and Anne. And got to know the others better :) It was a really awesome camp! We came back refreshed & reunited once more. God is really amazing :D

Anyways, enough crapping here. Time is precious! Lol.



Something he said that really made me crack! :D

Your face is as round as the moon,
your hair is as smooth as chow bi hun.

Hahaha. OMG. I cant stop laughing! Anyways, thats about it.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Phew. I'm outta energy.
1 week has passed.
No words can describe how tired I am.

I hope I can skip school tomorrow.
I really need the rest.
I need to recharge! Rawr.
*Slaps myself!*

Anyways, I sound emo now. Lol
I'm not la. Just over-tired myself.
I'm stoning in front of the computer.
I can't even smile. Gosh

Good night people :)
I'm gonna doze off already.



I've been really really busy to update my blog lately.
So I wont tell you much.
Cause I'm rushing off for my worship practice soon!
Busy busy busy.
And I'm sorry if I didn't pick up your calls.
Or reply your msgs, yea?
Will update on you about my weeks soon :)

Tata for now!