Sunday, February 27, 2011

If you love something, let it go.
If it comes back to you, it's yours.
If not, it never was.

It's gonna die..... I meant my blog. I know I know, I've been really busy ever since college started. Well, it's kinda expected that everyone who goes to college would end up bragging about how much assignments and studying they'd need to do. But so far for the pass 1 & a half months, I've enjoyed studying and doing all my assignments before my due dates. Well, and obviously still able to attend church on Saturdays and Sundays yet hang out with friends on weekdays and beloved boyfriend on weekends. I am quite satisfied with my time management. I am also doing quite well with my studies. I didn't know I could pull it off after taking a break from studies for a year. Well, I couldn't have done it without God :)

God has provided so much for me, but couldn't realize it until right this moment as I sit down to type this blog out. I guess it's not a bad thing to have this blog going on after all. Friends in college have been awesome. I've made a bunch of them and boy, I love them to bits already. Just a reminder that I'd post up this advertisement video my group did as an assignment for CT class. It's hilarious and mainly cause I edited it myself heh.

And if you're wondering how I'm doing in my relationship with boyfriend? Well, it's not perfect. Nothing is, but we're holding on. Commitment is the key to a strong relationship. Okay, maybe some love as well. I can't stop thinking about how he keeps convincing me that everyday is valentine's day and that we don't have to buy gifts for one another on THAT day just to prove that we love one another haha. Random, I know. That's just the way I love him 

Okay, it's time to hit the bed. Church tomorrow morning! Night peeps :)
