Friday, May 4, 2012

Back To Where We Came From.

Just came back from a 5 days seminar last weekend and boy was it tiring. It's called Haggai Institute and this was their first time having a seminar for the Gen Y, basically targeting people aged 20-30 years old. It focuses on Evangelism and Leadership and has 6 sessions a day with only 15mins of break in between each sessions but I can say that I've learn some pointers here and there and am glad to say that I have survived! I've even made a couple of new friends and it's such a small world to have mutual friends among them already haha. Feels like I've known them since forever that way. Anyways, a few pictures of us :)

Alright, I know it's a really short post. Sorry but it's time to doze off! Before that, let me show you a picture of myself :)

Please excuse my grammatical error, thank you and nights! :)


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