Friday, November 25, 2011

Back In Time

Don't focus on what you have left behind,
Or you will never be able to see what lies ahead of you.

As promised before, I will post about my trip to Singapore back in August. I know, I'm such a lazy bum when it comes to this. But I finally did it! That's the awesome part of it, no? :) It has already been 3 months since then. Well, this was a very impromptu trip to S'pore because our main purpose was for Ling's graduation from City Harvest Bible College. So proud of her, btw! 

But since I planned to go for her graduation, why not go for a vacation as well right? See, I'm so smart. Started off wondering who to bring for this trip, because I didn't wanna go alone. That would be kind of boring. So that is why the boyfriend and bff of mine ended up accompanying me in this trip hahaha. I know they awesome <3 

Well, my dad came along as well la. He wanted to visit my aunt, so he drove us down. Not bad what. Free transport to S'pore, all we need is our unexpired password. So we booked our Universal Studio S'pore tickets back at home before leaving because I was told that they have limited tickets sold per day. Interesting. 

So there you have us, enjoying our time in USS. I tell you, I love the roller coasters so much! Bff was so afraid, so it was only me and the boyfriend who sat the crazy rides. Eventhough I was jumping around in my line and everyone was practically staring at me but who cares. I was afraid too but I love the excitement!! Show you the crazy ride - Battlestar Galactica. Btw, it's a duel roller coaster ride. The good verses the evil

Basically we had tons of fun there. You all should go as well! Besides that, we went shopping hehe. How can it be a vacation without shopping right? :) I tell you, everything well most of the things are like $10 at Bugis Street. Omg, I'm so going back to shop in S'pore next year. This is the proof.

Most of those shopping pictures were taken by the boyfriend because me and bff practically walked in and out of every shop like nobody's business haha.

There we have my favorite $1 ice cream since I was a little girl. Yes, must be $1 and must be from Singapore also haha. Seriously loved it. But before finishing my post of my awesome trip to S'pore, guess who we met along the way? Omg, this makes the trip x1000000000 times more awesome that it already was.

Yes, this is the only picture I have of the 3 of us. Well, our first time together in another country! Hehehehe <3 Besides that, we even met up with Cheryl. It was great to see her again. Had a lunch meet up with her.

Tadaa, so there you have it. My awesome trip to S'pore :) I really hope to go there again next year. And maybe, just maybe. I'll be able to see Xiaxue or Qiu Qiu hahahahaha *dreams* Anyways, till next time when I post about my Jayesslee concert experience and other funz.


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