The people who hurt you the most,
Are normally the people you love the most.
It's been ages since I blogged. Life has been so hectic, filled with ups and downs. Hmm, maybe cause I'm pmsing. That's why I think alot .__. I feel like hypnotizing myself, then ask all the mini me's in my brain to throw all my thoughts into the dumpster. Is that possible? Too much Spongebob hoho ;)
1. I just came back from my 2 days 1 night trip to Ipoh. It was damn awesome!!!! Thanks Pragas for driving us and Tracy jie, Ling jie and Qing Ling for being so fabulous. :):):) You guys are definitely so much fun! Reached home around 2am yesterday. I slept like a pig .__. Haha. Pictures coming soon.
2. I tell you, we laughed so much from the moment we started our journey until we wanna pee .__. Like seriously, LOL. I have Hokkien 101 and Lame 101 classes by Pragas! I said something really stupid that got me an A+ for Lame 101.
( Pragas ; Me )
Seafood, here we come!
Eh, I don't wanna SEE food lah.
I wanna EAT food! :)
3. More updates about Ipoh soon.
4. OMGBBQSTRAWBERRY, did I tell you? I got my lappie already :) I know I'm suppose to be happy and all but it's a long story. Kinda emofying hmmm. But I wanna thank God for it hehe. Oh, it's fregging red! Not exactly what I wanted, but still prettay oh la la.
6. Guess what? I can't believe I chopped my hair today! Like I faced one of my biggest fear. I was so terrified :\ Not that I am damn happy with the results, but still better than the previous one lah. Mummy said wait till my hair grows longer, then she'll bring me go dye my hair again. Yay, this time please a more obvious colour :)
7. I want my Teetoo bag! And new shoes pretty pretty pleeeeeaaaase.
8. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?! Should I give up? Feel so emo thinking about it.
I shall go sleep nao. Nights people
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