Sunday, February 5, 2012


v. for-gave, for-giv-en, for-giv-ing, for-gives
1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.
2. To absolve from payment.
3. To renounce anger or resentment against.

I believe that forgiveness is one feeling and action that has been taken too lightly just by saying 'I forgive you' that we have already forgiven someone; but deep down in our hearts, you know that you truly haven't and you knew how much you hated disliked this person that had hurt you in the past. I admit to myself, that even I face the same problem today. It just makes me feel better of myself by saying it, but truly have I forgiven that person? I believe not.

But what if everyone had a mind like those kids in the videos; believing that if we were to not forgive, we'd not have any friends anymore. Because in today's world, friends are like goods. Commercialized goods. We like em, we keep em; we don't like em, we throw em. See, it's because of our mindsets today that made it so easy for us to not practice forgiveness and give up easily on the people we once knew was important or was part of our lives. But there is a difference in goods and humans; feelings. Everyone has feelings, and those feelings last. No matter how much you try to hide or cover it, it'll always be there waiting to hunt you down. But what can we do about it? We always put an excuse to forget about it and move on. But truly, when some bad situation hits you hard to the ground, those memories will hit you even harder than you think it wouldn't.

I believe forgiveness is not by ignoring the facts, setting aside the truth that hurts and forgetting that it ever happened but instead, we are to confront and clear the slate in order to start afresh from where we'd stumbled upon. Just to let you know that, there is always two sides in a situation; the offender and the offended. But pride tend to be our best friend sometimes and visits us pretty often. 

For the offended - It's because pride took over our human flesh that we tend to be more critical and judgmental with the little mistakes that people had done to us without realizing that no human is perfect; not even ourselves. But it seems easier to look at people's flaws than our very own when we try to cover them up so badly so no one could see ours. 

For the offender - It's because pride took over our human flesh that we tend to try and maintain our "high" self esteem that made confrontation look a little uncool for everyone. But without realizing, have hurt so many people around us just by doing what we feel is cool for our own appearances. 

So therefore, both sides are responsible for forgiving and the other to ask for forgiveness. People who realize their wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness will understand being forgiven and people who have forgiven those who had done wrong unto you, will understand how others have forgiven you.

There is so many people that I need to truly forgive and to ask for forgiveness from; I hope it is not too late to do so especially to my family and a few others. I wish I could do so much more to regain everything that we once had together and I believe one day it will. With God, everything is possible. 


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