Thursday, February 9, 2012

Insecurities Anyone?

I have to admit that insecurity is one thing everyone is familiar with despite men or women. I believe that even the prettiest women or men started off with low self-esteem and got them to where they want to be now; we all try and try so hard to fit in and feel comfortable in other people's presence. I remind myself over and over again that everyone is beautiful in their own ways, but somehow those insecurities conquered my feelings and changed the way I think and took care of myself. Well sometimes, you just need to be reminded by someone other than yourself that it's okay to be you. Familiar anyone?

 But then you go on Tumblr, and you see something different. You see girls buying clothes, cutting their hair, taking laxatives, starving themselves, doing anything to make themselves look thinner. They base their self-worth on a NUMBER projected on a man-made scale. And to be honest with you, it breaks my heart. Because I know that you CAN eat without feeling guilty, you CAN eat fattening food without punishing yourself afterwards. What the scale says is NOT the most important thing. Being thin is NOT more important than being healthy. Being thing and not eating are NOT signs of true will power and success. Screw what all these pro-ana blogs tell you. You don't have to be thin to be attractive. You are perfectly okay just the way you are.



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