It's 3 in the morning. I miss you. Hope you know how much I do, Superman :)
Warning: You can ignore this post, no joke. Well, she's not suppose to be blogging now. Her schedule is tight packed this month. And her head is gonna explode soon. Like literally goes BABOOOM! But as you know, She just can't leave the computer Without blabbering about practically everything? Haha. Sacrificing some of her sleep just to update herself And spend some quality time alone is worth it. Releases stress :D
Anyways, she'd been skipping school lately :) She says; "I know I'm this really FAT pig in human form!" Who skips schools. Just to lie around her bed doing nothing. And moves only to get food. Then continues lying around her sofa. Which makes her feels boohoo for feeling fat. But gets satisfied after watching The Biggest Loser. Which is suppose to motivate you to workout? But apparently didn't work for this pig. Haha. And off she goes to bed again. Woohoo. This is the life.
OMG Nah, I'm just joking. I do workout, ok? :) Like I've said, All these bullsheep just to release stress. Weeeee. But watching The Biggest Loser is true la. It's like one of the awesomest show ever.
Anyways, Life's been pretty hectic. That's all from me, practically. I bet you're like; "What the heck? I read this freaking long blog, just to know she's pretty hectic with her life?" PFFFT." Haha I know you love me :) That's why you actually read it all the way till......... HERE!
That's why you're my oh-so-awesome friends! :) Loves & kisses.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Happy 18th birthday, BFF ♥ Well, you're freaking 18 now! Dah legal :) Don't get overly excited ya? Must wait for me to be 18. Then you can be EXCITED. Haha. Anyways, It's been a long journey together. Awesomest 7 years friendship ever :) I could still remember every single ups & downs, we faced together. Emofying together at our old favorite sofa. Singing out loud to our old favorite songs. Lending each other shoulders to cry on. Staying up really late together reading magazines. Talking about boys boys boys. Advising each other about nearly everything. We practically know every good & bad about each other. -All our dirty little secrets. I'm really happy to have you close to my heart. Words can't describe how much you mean to me. Just remember that I'll always be here for you, when you need me. Okay I so sound like a lesbian right now. But what the heck. I LOVE YOU :)
With love, evon.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
This video is super nice, right? Well, it's really amazing to see these people. Changing the world at such a young age. It's definitely a WOW factor :) And sometimes we should be aware and a shame of ourselves. Cause teenagers nowadays just expect lives to go according to their ways. Either its being spoiled by parents? Or just being too dependable on them. Like come on, Joan of Arc led 3,000 french knights into battle at 1429. When she was only 17. She's a freaking female. And Im crying over being chosen for NS? Pffft. I sound so pathetic right now. So much for not being dependable, huh? Something happened today, that made me feel really touched when I overheard my mum talking to some of our church member. She actually asked them to pray for me. Whether it is health. Or the place. Or just me. But I know she really doesn't want me to go for NS. And even if I do go, she hopes its somewhere near. So I could come home often. I mean, after all the fights and disagreements with each other. She still loves me like no one else could. Besides God la, that is :) This is another WOW factor. And Ps.Hock was just talking about family in youth today. That we should appreciate them. Love them. Care about them. Well, while they're still here. And I'm glad I have both my parents around to support and love me. Adding another awesome brother in hand. Myfamilyis justtheplainawesomest lah! :D Anyways, yeah. I guess God puts me in NS for a purpose. God always does things for a reason. No matter how unreasonable it is, Its still a reason. Well, I guess I have to start facing the fact. That I'm growing older and maturer. And I have to continue living without my family one day *Cries* Have you ever had this one nightmare when you were a kid, where you dreamt your whole family just died in front of your own eyes, leaving you all alone in this cold empty world? Well, yeah I did. It was really scary for a kid to even think of. I just can't imagine living without my family. I really love them loads ♥
Another old video clip that I thought was really meaningful too. Is there more to life than this? Think about it :)
Signing off evon
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's over. The past is the past. Why don't we just forgive and forget? Don't let anger hunt you down. For it doesn't bring you and me any good. Alright :)
Anyways, It's FRIDAY! Weeeee. That means weekends are finally here. Fun fun fun :) And I get to see Superman.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Okay. That was my Session 2 babes post. Now throughout all, Concert team & Session1 also rocked wei :D Damn proud of you guys. Especially Joben. You did an awesome job, like seriously. And I can say, It was an awesome feeling to see one of my bestest friend. On stage worship leading a whole hall of people. I was truly blessed by it :) XOXO
Anyways, now that Subang Rally is over. I have other stuffs to work on. Gosh. Busy busy. But yeah, I love it. Because it involves God and the people I love :)
The next up coming event - Jing Jing wedding party Yay! I get to dress up :P The night itself, hopefully I can make it to Brandon's school campfire! It'd be fun.
Owh yeah, I went to LookOut Point KL on friday. With my brother, my neighbour Edmond, my new friend Albert And Superman :) The process of finding the place was super funny. Hahaha. 4 big humongo man looking at a small paper leading them to a restaurant :D Ended up calling tons of people. But yeah, none could lead us there. Lol And Albert is just plain blur la. Haha We found our way there eventually after 1 and a half hour :P The view was amazing. I am super loving it. But I cant show you any pictures. Dong dong camera. Anyways, yeah. When we first arrived. My bro gelabahly sat down. And his car keys fell down the hill -.- Thank God we were able to get it back. So much drama already. Lol Chit chat and all, then off we went home. Chilled together and watched Black Knight till 2am? Super lame show. Lol Awesome night out :)
Thank you Superman. I really love the bottle! I'm like a bottle person, seriously. I dont know why, but I just love bottles. I just wanna say thank you for everything ♥
Okay, enough bottle talk. Haha Thats all for now. Gonna head off to watch Spongebob now! Weeee.
With love, evon
Hey people! Subang Rally 09 was just plain awesome lah :) I'm really glad I surrendered my all to God before going on stage. Because my fears were relieved. And I gave my all.
Take It All was a last minute song. But thank God, it went well. And well, Amazing Grace was terrifying for me. Especially when all everyone can listen to is your voice O.O But yeah, it was all good!
I super love my crew shirt, btw :D And I super love love love the friends I'd made throughout this event. They're really amazing people of God. And they really inspires me alot. Most of them are even younger than me! Goshhh. Something must be done, Evon. Before I'm too old. Lol
The main point is; SESSION 2 SIMPLY ROCKS! Jezreel, the guy who made this come true. Worship leader :) Esther, the awesome keyboardist & worship coordinator Chan Tong, the vocalist who leads "Mighty to Save" Eileen, the vocalist who sings harmony Eilene, the super young vocalist Mich, the another samsung handphone user acoustic guitarist Ian, the oh-so-chunted electric guitarist Ben, the bassist who played for session 1 & 2 Jade, the super gentle and sweet pianist Ting, the Captian Spock drummer And ME!
Thank you guys, for this memorable 3 months. Eventhough it was more work and no play. I still enjoyed every second of it. Come, Session 2! Lets have an outing :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I know I look stupid.
But did I make you smile? :)
Rally is around the corner,
People are busy about.
I'm just laying here,
Rotting myself out.
Gosh, nothing better to do. Haha
I know.
I should totally practice on my vocals :\
Before that,
I'm totally gonna ask you to come for Subang Rally once more!
Date: 11th July 2009
Conference: 8.30am - 5.00pm
Concert: 7.30pm
Venue: Sunway College Hall
Come and experience God yourself :)
People of this world, please take good care of your own health. You only have one life. Make the best outta it :)
Guess what?!
1. Friday is coming! Yay. I can't wait
2. Mummy bought me this super awesome pink white Reebok runners! Super happy. Thank you mummy
3. Aerobic class was awesome. Love love love it. Makes me feel :)
4. I'M EATING VEGGIES! Well, they actually taste yummy when they're HOT :D
Stomach satisfied with green stuffs. Yumm Good night, people that I love love love :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Evon says; " July is a busy busy month. Already tiring myself out :\"
05 Days, 12 Hours, 45 Minutes, 27 Seconds! Subang Rally 2009 is totally coming! Gahhh. Drink more water, Get more rest, Take some honey? :) Dont be paranoid, evon. Chill chill Let God guide us through. For nothing is impossible when there is God around us!
Anyways, yeah. I'm gonna miss teacher's retreat on 10th-11th july D: Have fun without me, guys! Will miss you all loads. But but but I'll be home alone with my brother. Woohoo! Thats the fun fun super awesome part. Hahaha. My parents are actually going without us. Woah. Unbelievable but yeah.
I'm so tired lately. Haven't been getting enough rest. I'd trade in both my weekends morning sleep for school carnivals. Gosh, stupid thing to do la. Anyways, went out with James, Gracie, Elise, Hock, Josh and my brother. On saturday. At night. After youth :) Me and Gracie ended up with sugar rush, I think. Lol Worship practice for Subang Rally 09 on sunday. In the afternoon. After carnival. There goes my weekends. But thank God. MONDAY IS A HOLIDAY :D Lets have some fun = Sleeeeeeeeep Weeee.
P/s Evon needs a neck and shoulder massage real badly. Its stiffing the neck outta her. Lol. If thats a word, yeah. And she totally needs to get over with July. Cause she needs needs NEEDS to study for her upcoming exams. Boohoo :\
Craving for sushi evon
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hello people; If you guys read the newspaper, you guys should know that form 5s could check for the selection of NS already. I guess most of you are wondering whether I got selected for NS or not. If you're not wondering, start wondering then! Haha Alright alright. YES, Evon got selected for National Service as said in the sms. Boohoo, right? 3 months stuck in jail. And I already planned to work and all. Gahh, I could still remember my teary eyes when I first saw the message. Flashbacks off that moment. Well, I'm not really sad that I'd be suffering there. I'm sad cause I know I'm gonna miss my family and friends here. Especially Superman :\ 3 months is kinda long, you know? For me la. I can imagine counting my days there. Oh, the horror! But I might as well face the fact. And take it as an experience worthwhile.