Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy 18th birthday, BFF ♥
Well, you're freaking 18 now!
Dah legal :)
Don't get overly excited ya?
Must wait for me to be 18.
Then you can be EXCITED.
It's been a long journey together.
Awesomest 7 years friendship ever :)
I could still remember every single ups & downs,
we faced together.
Emofying together at our old favorite sofa.
Singing out loud to our old favorite songs.
Lending each other shoulders to cry on.
Staying up really late together reading magazines.

Talking about boys boys boys.

Advising each other about nearly everything.

We practically know every good & bad about each other.

-All our dirty little secrets.

I'm really happy to have you close to my heart.
Words can't describe how much you mean to me.
Just remember that I'll always be here for you,
when you need me.
Okay I so sound like a lesbian right now.
But what the heck.

With love,

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